We have officially launched Deep Blue Explorers!
This new company is dedicated to providing the highest quality adventures and experiences like nothing you’ve ever encountered before.
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Ubåten ”Som” hittades efter 99 år – utanför Grisslehamn (aftonbladet.se
The picture was taken 2012-06-06
If you look at the picture, you see a trigel with a hole. hard to see, therefore I have a picture with a red line as well. And you can see that the plate is covered with sediment as well. and below you see burnt organic material. The picture was taken on the side of the object.
2015 lokaliserade Åkersbergaföretaget Ocean X Team en sjunken rysk ubåt i svenska farvatten. Efter många turer kan de också få bärga ubåten.
Nu väntar vi på ja eller nej från regeringen, säger Österåkersbon Dennis Åsberg, ena halvan av skattletarföretaget Ocean X Team.
Läs mer på:
Här ska rysk ubåt från första världskriget bärgas (mitti.se)
Vraket efter ubåten ”Som” ligger i svenskt territorialhav. Ubåten sjönk 1916 efter en kollision med ett svenskt fartyg. Frågor om vraket efter ubåten ”Som” har beretts inom Regeringskansliet sedan 2015 i samband med att ett svenskt företag hade påträffat vraket, och sedermera skickade Ryska federationen en förfrågan om bärning till Utrikesdepartementet. Regeringskansliet (Utrikesdepartementet) beslutade den 25 maj 2020 att ge en utredare i uppdrag att bedöma förutsättningarna för bärgning av vraket efter ubåten ”Som” och för överlämning av vraket till Ryska federationen. Om bärgning inte bedöms vara möjlig eller ändamålsenlig ska utredaren beakta, beskriva och föreslå alternativ till hur vraket och förlisningsplatsen kan hanteras.
Sammanfattningsvis ser utredningen inte några hinder mot att vraket efter ”Som” bärgas och överlämnas till Ryssland. Utredningen föreslår att en internationell överenskommelse ingås med Ryssland rörande hanteringen av vraket.
Läs hela utredningen:
Tryck ds 2021_14 (regeringen.se)
The first bottle we sell is DOM benedictine from 1916 or earlier.
Salvaged from the ship wreck ss Kyros in the Baltic Sea 2019.
The bottles were on their way to the tsar Nicholas II of Russia.
The content is analyzed by Bénédictine / Bacardi in France.
The content is of very high quality.
The importance of this event cannot be overemphasized – it’s not only a find of rare liqueur but also a part of history of the former imperial Russia.
Now we sell these unique bottles.
Contact us for more information and the analysis from the testing.
The Sue:
The last shipment of rare liquors for Tzar Nicholas II’s Russia, is now recovered!
A search and salvage project that started 20 years ago is now completed. It was on the 22nd October the salvage vessel ”Deepsea Worker”, arrived in Sweden with a shipload of more than 100-year old cognac and liqueur, brought up from the Swedish steamer ”s/s Kyros”!
Ocean X Team and iXplorer cooperated with the special equipped salvage vessel ”Deepsea Worker” to be able to salvage the bottles of ”De Haartman & Co”-cognac and ”Benedictine”-liqueur (now days owned by Bacardi) from 77 meters depth between Sweden and Finland at international waters. It was 50 cases of cognac and 15 cases of liqueur that were supposed to be delivered from France to St Petersburg (former Petrograd), Russia, through neutral Sweden already in December 1916. Due to a heavy ice situation in the Sea of Bothnia (the sea between Sweden and Finland) the transport were delayed till May 1917. ”s/s Kyros” met its dramatic fate though when being stopped and controlled by the German submarine ”UC58”. The captain of the submarine decided to sink ”s/s Kyros” because that parts of the cargo were considered as contraband by the Germans. ”S/s Kyros” crew were transferred to a nearby ship and later they all returned safe to Sweden.
The wreck of ”s/s Kyros” has during the years been heavily damaged by fishing trawls and trawl boards. Several times since the first discovery back in 1999 has the wreck been cleared from nets to make it possible for divers and unmanned underwater vehicles (ROV’s) to access the wreck.
The importance of this event cannot be overemphasized – it’s not only a find of rare cognac and liqueur but also a part of history of the former imperial Russia.
”Bacardi, being the owner of the Bénédictine brand, a product that was created more than 500 years ago by french monks, are excited to hear about the find and are eager to learn if the product has been preserved for the duration of the stay under water, says Petra Caspolin, Marketing Manager at Bacardi in Nordics”
More information will come!
Ocean X Team has made a new remarkable discovery at the Anomaly area. Read about it and follow the discussions at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OceanXteam/
Our goal is to get an answer to what it is, we will shortly release more information.
Christie’s is delighted to present two extraordinary 17th century bottles, the oldest we have ever brought to market.
In 2010 a wreck site was uncovered during a survey mission of the ocean floor off the coast of Germany. At a depth of 40 metres, divers discovered a decayed wreck and buried, deep in the mud in old rattan basket was found to be 14 ancient bottles. One bottle broke in the recovery and one bottle was opened and tested. The laboratory results, (detailed below) show that it had been a powerful red wine. The shape of the bottles and a thorough investigation of the wine and cork indicated that the wine was bottled between 1670 and 1690.
Prof. Gougeon (Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin / University of Burgundy) provided some results in March 2016.
“Our latest results obtained in Dijon confirm the liquid being a grape based beverage due to the presence of tartaric acid. Phenolic analysis confirmed a typical old wine signature rich in tannin degradation products and together with the presence of resveratrol enables us to tell it was a strong red wine. Interestingly, besides small aliphatic acids such as lactic and acetic acid, the wine still contained some amounts of ethanol. Our colleague historian confirmed me from the chemical analysis of the glass and especially from the shape of the corked flask that the dating precisely would correspond to a period from late XVIIth century.”
The bottles are offered with a certificate from the owners who recovered the wine. The wine is extremely old, and because it is not a fortified wine, it’s drinkability is questionable, this should be approached as a lot of historical and vinous importance.
Shipwreck Wine
Offered in specially designed water-filled storage tanks. Offered with special equipment to maintain the bottles in their storage tanks.
2 bottles per lot
A bottle of the 330 year old wine was successfully delivered to Christie’s auction house in London last week. It will be sold in London at Christie’s 6-7 June auction.
Many ships has disappered at sea over the centuries.
One of them, a 17-century shipwreck has been discovered in the North Sea, off Germany
A limited amount of very rare bottles of drinkable wine were found and recovered
The find is very unique and probably ”one of a kind”
The rare bottles, 12 in all, were found in a 17-century shipwreck.
For more information contact: info@oceanxteam.com
>> See more Pictures and information <<
Ocean X Team and Ixplorer found the Russian Empire submarine SOM, sunken on Swedish waters in 23 May 1916.
The goal was to salvage the submarine, take care of the remains of the 18 submariners and then bring the submarine to Russia as a gift.
The relatives to the crew supported our project all the way.
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